*** KEN'S LABYRINTH *** Cheats and Hints
Part 1: The Search for Sparky
Part 2: Sparky's Revenge
Part 3: Find the Way Home
The original version only works well on a slow DOS machine. Use ver 2.1 for compatibility
with faster machines and under Windows / DosBox.
F1, F2, F3 : Choose weapon
BACKSPACE : Trades score for health until your score is zero.
Cheat keys:
On the command line, you type "LAB3D SNAUSTY" instead of plain old "LAB3D".
Once you have done that, you can use the cheats below while in a level.
Hold down both SHIFT keys and tap the listed key.
A Blue Cloak
B Go to next level
D Compass
E Extra life
F Fireball
G Green fireball (bouncy)
H Heat-Seeker
J Grey Cloak
K Both Keys
L Lightning Bolt
Q Extra coin
S Snack (french fries)
; Purple Potion
' (single quote) Green Potion
Save Game hacks:
Save the game and quit to dos and type:
DEBUG SAVGAME#.DAT (#=Savegame number)
E 2121 09 9 lives
E 2123 06 Jelly Bomb
E 2125 06 Starburst
E 2127 06 Lightning
E 2129 06 Missile
E 212D 01 Gold key
E 212F 01 Silver key
E 2131 E7 03 999 coins
E 2133 01 Compass
E 2135 00 00 Turn off cheat usage
E 0118 00 00 00 Zero out the time used
1. Use the water bubbler at any time to restore full health. It costs you time though.
2. If there is a black hole blocking your path, you can squeeze by, by facing the wall.
The hole will trap any enemy.
3. The flat black enemy with a face is a mobile hole. Stay away from it. It cannot be killed.
4. In episode 1, level 3, move away from the start position immediately, or you'll die.
When it restarts you'll straight away die again.
5. In episode 1, the level where you have to choose among 5 paths, firstly grab the grey
cloak then choose the 2nd path from the left, run straight through the enemies, turn
left, and there's the exit.
6. In episode 2, make sure you are away from Sparky when you shoot, otherwise he will
be hit and start yelping.
7. In episode 2, don't run too fast or Sparky will be left behind.
8. Normally, if a cheat was used, your game would be denied entry to the high score table.
Just before entering the stairs, save your game, then quit to DOS. Edit the save game
file (as above) to turn off the cheat detection and zero out the time. Restart the game,
load the saved game, go to the stairs and you'll be able to enter the high scores.
9. If you plan to reset the scores by deleting HISCORE.DAT, don't do it! The game will
instead run in a mode without high score support - it will not recreate the file.
10. There's no count of enemies or objectives, and no bonuses.
11. There are secret walls, but you have to shoot a likely spot (sometimes more than once).
If you succeed, there will be a sound.
Last Update: 2024-09-06
The author's web page is http://advsys.net/ken/klab.htm